Thursday, May 14, 2009

The first day of the rest of my life.

Today starts my blogging life. I have decieded to post my daily happenings, thoughts, ideas, goals, and emotions on this page for the world to see. This is good for me because, iside from Jim, I have no one to share this with. I will vent on here... I may share some TMI moments (diaper explosions, snot, etc.). So, you may not want to read if you have a weak stomach.

I think in my first blog I should give a little background info. I am Brandi. A 21 year old stay at home mom. I have a 7 month old son named Ty. He is so much fun. He's crawling, sitting up, pulling himself up on furniture, and trying to eat anything he can get his hands on! I love him with al my heart. I currently have 54 hours of college credit. Some in nursing, agribusiness, and animal scince. But, I cant go back to school at the moment because funds are low. Gatta love the economy.

My husband is Jim. He works on compressor engines. For those of you who dont speak 'oil field', I will explain. After they drill and find oil or natural gas in the ground, the must pump it out. They use a compressor to compress and pump it out and into the pipes which bring it to the refineries. There is a deisel engine that powers that compressor. When it breaks down, TA DA!!! Jim is there to help! Anyway. Thats all Im going to share today. I am leaving to go to Daina (sis in law)'s house to stay with her two girls while she is gone. Grey's Anatomy season finale is tonight! YAY! I'll be watching!