Monday, May 25, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 Divorce

I watched the season premiere tonight and my heart broke into. I don't know if he cheated on her or not. He says he didn't, but who would admit to it on tv? Anyway, the way the show ended looks like they are headed for a divorce. They obviously are separated.... Its so sad to see couples all around us splitting up. They looked like such a great little couple.. Of course there obviously is a lot of editing done on the show! lol. It just upsets me that so many marriages end in divorce! And the REALLY sad part is that a lot of the couples really do love each other. I guess I have always lived in a fantasy world thinking that love is all you need, but that is definately far from the truth.

I love Jim with all of my heart and I pray that we will have the strength and determination to work through any problem that we might encounter. Marriage is hard. Kids complicate things... Money problems are TERRIBLE on a relationship.. And if you can't put every ounce of trust into your other half, it's just about impossible to make it. I just hope that we will always have the Lord to help us... I didn't have parent's who stayed together. And Jim didn't either for that matter (although his lasted a lot longer than mine did). I want nothing more than for Ty to always have two loving parents that live together and are a good example of how a relationship is supposed to be.